Each year, OFF enters a creative collaboration with one or more artists, filmmakers or industry experts; a collaboration that helps form the artistic direction for this year’s festival. In 2019, the title as artistic profile, actor and director belongs to Marijana Jankovic.
For the theme ‘courage’, Marijana Jankovic draws the line for a personal program with cultural roots and love for diversity as central head points.
The motivation for accepting the collaboration with OFF is particularly evident in her love for diversity, Marijana herself says:
I sincerely want my role as artistic profile to inspire others with the same background as me to dream big and use their voice. This is what the world needs. People come in all shapes and colors, nothing is right or wrong, no skin color is right or wrong, no story is useless, if it comes from the right place.
You can meet Marijana as she explores the theme ‘courage’ during the festival in a series of talks with internationally acclaimed filmmakers:
- About FARNESS – with the award-winning war correspondent, documentary director and author NAGIEB KHAJA. And about the driving force of his work at the world’s hotspots. MONDAY 26/8 KL. 13.00 IN THEATER MOMENTUM BIO
- About WOMEN WITHOUT FILTER – with satirists and actors DITTE HANSEN and LOUISE MIERITZ about being “Ditte & Louise” on the big screen and in reality. TUESDAY 27/8 CONVERSATION CL. 19.00 & FILM KL. 9 PM AT THE MAGAZINE
- About UNCURRENCY – with one of Denmark’s film queens, super producers and Lars von Trier’s long-standing partner at Zentropa VIBEKE WINDELØV about having an all-is-possible-attitude to life and the industry. WEDNESDAY 26/8 KL. 16.00 I THEATER95B
- About THE TOUGHEST STORIES – with documentary director ANDREAS KOEFOED about the need to portray the weak and vulnerable fates of society as he himself has done with refugee children on film. THURSDAY 29/8 CALL AND MOVIE CL. 18.30 IN THEATER MOMENTUM SAL
- About THE ARTIST’S RESPONSIBILITY – with Irish VINCENT LAMBE, Romanian ADRIAN SILISTEANU and Danish ANDERS WALTER; three award-winning short film directors on the artist’s commitment to using his voice in the world. FRIDAY 30/8 KL. 4.30pm THEATER MOMENTUM SAL
- About FACING REALITY – with the leader of the Danish Film School’s documentary line for more than 25 years ARNE BRO on how to use yourself and your own memories in the stories you tell on film. SATURDAY CL. 2 PM IN THEATER MOMENTUM SAL