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The five EFA shortfilm nominees are finally here!

In collaboration with Kunstmuseum Brandts in Odense OFF – Odense International Film Festival creates an installation of short films which focuses on belonging. (Danish: “Et Hjem i Verden”)
Where do you belong – a place, a family, a community? A sense of belonging is more than locations and relationships, it is also about feeling at home in a movement, a culture or an environment. The film installation “Belonging” adds a new dimension to the current exhibition “Works of Art” at Kunstmuseum Brandts where it challenges our fundamental ideas of belonging in the world.
Festival Director Birgitte Weinberger is excited about the collaboration with the art museum from Odense and the opportunity to expand the thematic surrounding the exhibit. She believes the sense of belonging belongs to all of us:
“Where do we come from, where do we feel at home – and why? Both the exhibition “Works of Art” and the short film installation “Belonging” touches upon a topic that we all consciously and unconsciously face regularly. And a topic that takes up a large part of a person’s identity. I hope, the audience will take home with them, that belonging is more than soft hills, community centers and wedding anniversaries. A home can also be a community, a family or a special case from the other side of the world.”
Soft hills, repetitive potatoes dishes and cityscapes are in fact represented in the five short films the installation is composed of. But the audience will also see 100-year-old rites of passage, culture clashes and a totalitarian state swallowing itself. The five films in the installation will be played in loop and they are as follows:
“Fantasy” (Finland / 2017 / 10 minutes)
“The End of Time” (Cuba / 2017 / minutes)
“Our Fathers’ Sons” (Denmark / 2015 / 7 minutes)
“The Rabbit Hunt” (USA / 2018 / 7 minutes)
“The Reflection of Power” (France / 2015 / 10 minutes)
More information
The installation will be launched with an opening party – designed in collaboration with students from Design School Kolding – on Thursday the 21st of November 2019 at 17.00 at Kunstmusem Brandts. At the opening there will be speeches, cool drinks and crispy popcorn. Learn more about the event HERE
The Installation “Belonging” can be enjoyed during the regular opening hours of the museum and runs until spring 2020.