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We are once again very proud of the program for the festival – OFF20 will amaze you, shock you, thrill you and all in all move you!
We have embraced the obsticales and challanges the difficult, worldwide situation has brought, and we can’t wait to show you the results of our creative thinking. As usual we will have a physical festival in the heart of Odense, where filmlovers from all over can enjoy brilliant short films, talks and new experiences.
Because of the global pandemic our venues must only be filled to half capacity, and to avoid ques and overbooked venues a ticket costs 20 DKK pr. ticket.
We promise you, that this year is no different in terms of great experiences – in fact we have a whole new experience, we are proud to present: Our very own streamingservice,!
For 89 DKK you can buy online access to all films in competition from 24 of August until spetember 6th. The platform launches in the beginning of august and covers Denmark.
Vi can’t wait to see you here in Odense or at – take a look at our spectacular program HERE