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OFF21 Winners!

Here we go!
For the 47th time the submission for OFF – Odense International Film Festival has opened! Now is the time for Danish and international filmmakers, aspiring as well as established, to submit the short films, they hope can make it to the official selection of OFF22.
Firstly, by submitting you film, you will secure a slot before the eyes of the OFF pre-jury. In the spring of 2022 the pre-jury will send a few hundred short films to the OFF selection jury, who will then watch and evaluate the films before deciding which short works of art will be a part of the official selection of OFF22.
Short films in all genres with a maximum duration of 30 minutes are eligible for submission. The production has to be completed in 2021 or 2022. Submission deadline is the 1st of April 2022, but there is an early bird-discount for films submitted before the 1st of January, 2022. Read about submission, deadlines and technical specifikations and upload your film HERE.
See you at OFF22!